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  A Collection of Light Pollution Lesson Plans for Educators

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Nombre de messages : 4356
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2011
Localisation : Jambes (Namur)

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MessageSujet: A Collection of Light Pollution Lesson Plans for Educators    A Collection of Light Pollution Lesson Plans for Educators EmptySam 4 Fév 2017 - 10:11

A Collection of Light Pollution Lesson Plans for Educators
on February 3, 2017

 A Collection of Light Pollution Lesson Plans for Educators 7457590278_242195bc8b_k

Once we realize the importance and urgency of reducing and eliminating light pollution, how do we educate others? We’ve compiled some informative, interactive, and fun lesson plans educators can incorporate into their curriculum.

Lesson Plans

The Case of the Disappearing Dark Sky, created by the NPS Webrangers
Too Bright at Night?, created by ScienceNetLinks
Persuasive Photo Essay, created by teAchnology
Light Pollution and Shielding Lab, created by [url= Skies Activities/Demonstrating Light Pollution and Shielding Activity/Light_Shielding_Lab.pdf]The National Optical Astronomy Observatory’s Dark Skies and Energy Education Program[/url]
What is Light Pollution, by The National Optical Astronomy Observatory
Light Pollution: Beyond the Glare, by the American Museum of Natural History

Educational Standards

National Standards for History
10.1.11 ( World History Grades 5-12 ): Analyze ways in which human action has contributed to long-term changes in the natural environment in particular regions or worldwide.
Next Generation Science Standards / Grade Level Disciplinary Core Ideas
5-ESS3.C.1 ( Fifth Grade ): Human activities in agriculture, industry, and everyday life have had major effects on the land, vegetation, streams, ocean, air, and even outer space. But individuals and communities are doing things to help protect Earth’s resources and environments.

Il n’existe rien qui fasse obstacle à l’infinité des mondes. Épicure(341-270 av. J.C.)

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A Collection of Light Pollution Lesson Plans for Educators
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