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 Livre : Inside PixInsight 2016

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Nombre de messages : 4356
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2011
Localisation : Jambes (Namur)

Livre : Inside PixInsight 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Livre : Inside PixInsight 2016   Livre : Inside PixInsight 2016 EmptyVen 14 Oct 2016 - 10:04

Inside PixInsight (19 septembre 2016)

De Warren A. Keller (Auteur)

Livre : Inside PixInsight 2016 51yi5yMqRSL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_

In this book, Warren Keller reveals the secrets of astro-image processing software PixInsight in a practical and easy to follow manner, allowing the reader to produce stunning astrophotographs from even mediocre data. As the first comprehensive post-processing platform to be created by astro-imagers for astro-imagers, it has for many, replaced the generic graphics editors as the software of choice. With clear instructions from Keller, astrophotographers can get the most from its tools to create amazing images.  Capable of complex post-processing routines, PixInsight is also an advanced pre-processing software, through which astrophotographers calibrate and stack their exposures into completed master files. Although it is extremely powerful, PixInsight has been inadequately documented in print--until now. With screenshots to help illustrate the process, it is a vital guide.

Warren Keller is a published astro-imager (APOD, Sky & Telescope and Astronomy magazines) and teacher of image processing. He has presented at the Northeast, Midwest, and Advanced Imaging Conferences, and written extensively on the subject. A four-time Sky & Telescope author, Keller also produced the definitive commercial video tutorial series on PixInsight.

Broché: 392 pages
Editeur : Springer International Publishing AG; Édition : Pap/Psc (19 septembre 2016)
Collection : The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series
Langue : Anglais

ISBN-13: 978-3319256801

Il n’existe rien qui fasse obstacle à l’infinité des mondes. Épicure(341-270 av. J.C.)

Livre : Inside PixInsight 2016 707010

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